Luxurious 14K Gold.
Vermeil - a popular technique for high end jewellers.

Spinner Rings
Spinning rings, also known as meditation rings, fidget rings, worry rings, motion rings and anxiety rings have been used for centuries in mantra techniques to relieve anxiety, calm the mind and soothe the soul - their repetitive spinning motion instantly relaxing the spirit.
Anxiety rings are a great way to manage your worries in a stylish way - simply diverting your energy into the spinning motion of the ring helping you to stay focused, relax or feel more confident in all situations.
Spin rings are timeless in design and make great everyday rings, effortlessly complimenting and coordinating with all styles and everyday ensembles.

A Warm Welcome & A Brief History
I founded Fairley Bohemian whilst Nursing on the frontline during the COVID19 pandemic in the UK NHS.
With a passion for healing crystals and sophisticated bohemian jewellery, Fairley Bohemian was born.
With 3,000+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reviews, we have quickly become a global brand which I am truly grateful for.
I hope you enjoy my range of Boho Jewellery // Boho Jewelry // Hippie Jewellery // Hippie Jewelry // Boho Chic Jewellery // Boho Chic Jewelry
Light and love,
Harriet & Fairley Bohemian Team

P L A N E T - F R I E N D L Y
We only use ethically sourced materials. From our gemstones to our ribbon and glitter, everything is sourced with our vulnerable planet in mind. Feel confident you are shopping Consciously at Fairley Bohemian. Lets treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves.
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Perfectly finished moonstone rings, carved from the raw crystal. Polished adjustable plain silver rings and bangles. Spinning rings that glide effortlessly. A distinct focus on providing quality boho jewellery UK.
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P L A N E T - F R I E N D L Y
We only use ethically sourced materials. From our gemstones to our ribbon and glitter, everything is sourced with our vulnerable planet in mind. Feel confident you are shopping Consciously at Fairley Bohemian. Lets treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves.
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Perfectly finished moonstone rings, carved from the raw crystal. Polished adjustable plain silver rings and bangles. Spinning rings that glide effortlessly. A distinct focus on providing quality boho jewellery UK.
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